Hummingbirds fascinate with their beautiful colors, their agility and their resilience. They fly forwards, sideways, backwards or hover. As a result, they experience a constant change of perspective, which helps them to reach their objective.
Defining goals and constantly adopting new perspectives are the most important tools in systemic coaching. With over 40 interventions, you will receive transformative tools for achieving your goals.
A selection of tools:
- Side Model
- Inner Team
- Disney method
- Wheel of values
- Role Model
- Logical Levels
- Mentor meeting
- Hero journey
- Wonder question
The methods are as varied as the interventions:
- Systemic questioning techniques
- Systemic constellations
- EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
- Embodiment
- Hypnosis
- NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
- Systemic drawing
Systemic coaching is solution- and competence-oriented and can be applied to very different topics, occasions and goals in order to develop an individually suitable solution. This enables problems to be solved and goals to be achieved. I offer systemic personal and business coaching and am ECA (European Coaching Association) & QSA (Bundesverband für Qualität in der systemischen Arbeit) certified through my training and further education.
+49 179 51 666 71